This is democracy folks, I’m sorry you don’t like it

Thursday was a great day for Britain and a great day for democracy. Over 17 million people (a clear majority of those who voted) defied the warnings of the entire British establishment, foreign governments and international institutions like the IMF, to vote out of the failing EU.

The response to this fantastic exercise in democracy has been an unprecedented wave of tears and tantrums from large numbers of those who voted the other way. At the time of writing, over 2.5 million people have signed a petition calling for a second referendum (so we can vote correctly this time presumably). My Facebook timelines has been quite a toxic place since Friday. I’ve seen a number of arguments put forward by friends and others I respect, that I found particularly insulting. There was the one that said older people had secured the leave victory at the expense of the younger generation. Implication – old people shouldn’t be allowed to vote as they’ll be dead soon. There was another that said Brexit was down to uneducated, poor voters being taken in by the lies of the leave campaign. Implication  –  only people with good degrees should be allowed a vote.

“Shame on you” for voting leave has been a very common comment I’ve seen, but, no it’s you who should be ashamed of yourselves. You lost a democratic vote and now you need to come to terms with the decision and help us achieve Brexit in the best way we can. Owen Jones gets it:

Sadly, some MPs and some Oxford professors, don’t.

4 thoughts on “This is democracy folks, I’m sorry you don’t like it

  1. Here’s a little game for you.

    See how many Labour MPs, grandees and supporters mention the ‘I’ word.

    That elephant is trumpeting as loud as it can and yet they still will not see it.

  2. As somebody said: “be careful of what you wish for”.

    I have a lot of respect for MMTers, but this is politics and deadly serious. Now we have an out vote, we’re going to see more headbanger Tories in power, the Blairites have launched their inevitable coup, the economy will suffer at least a short term hit, we’re likely to have a more austerian emergency budget some time, and I’ve no doubt more tax cuts come a general election. And I haven’t even started on the legitimisation of racism. This advances the progressive (the pre-New-Labour definition) agenda how …?

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